[ 'help' => [ 'h', 'help', "Show this help" ], 'quiet' => [ 'q', 'quiet', "Don't show any output" ], 'verbose' => [ 'v', null, "Show debug output", null, false ], 'path' => [ 'd:', 'dir:', "Change working directory", "FRESH_DIR" ], 'image' => [ 'i:', 'image:', "Check a specific image instead of images from config", "FRESH_IMAGE" ], 'pull' => [ null, 'pull', "Only pull if updated, don't up" ], 'check' => [ null, 'check', "Only check for updates, set exit code" ], 'prune' => [ null, 'prune', "Prune dangling images after pull and up" ], ], 'Hooks' => [ 'slack' => [ null, 'slack:', "Notify a slack webhook when updating", "FRESH_SLACK" ], 'script' => [ null, 'after:', "Invoke script after updating", "FRESH_AFTER" ], ], 'Config' => [ 'config' => [ 'c:', 'config:', "Use custom configuration file", "FRESH_CONFIG" ], 'type' => [ 'C:', 'config-type:', "Configuration type (auto, fresh, compose)", "FRESH_CONFIG_TYPE", "auto" ], 'credentials' => [ null, 'credentials:', "Set credentials loader type (auto or basic)", "FRESH_CREDENTIALS", "auto" ], ] ]; private array $options = []; /** @var HookInterface[] The hooks to invoke */ private array $hooks = []; private ?string $path = null; private Log $log; private $config; private CredentialsLoaderInterface $credentialsLoader; private PersistentState $state; private Lockfile $lockfile; public function __construct() { $this->log = new Log(); } /** * Parse the command line and set values from getopt output or environment * variables. * */ protected function parseCommandLine() { $opts = []; $long = []; $short = null; $envs = []; $parsed = []; foreach (self::$optionsMap as $group=>$options) { $opts = array_merge($opts, $options); foreach ($options as $optname=>$opt) { if ($opt[0]) $short .= $opt[0]; if ($opt[1]) $long[] = $opt[1]; if ($opt[3]??null) $envs[$opt[3]] = $optname; $parsed[$optname] = $opt[4] ?? null; } } foreach ($envs as $env=>$dest) { $val = getenv($env) ?? $_SERVER[$env]; if ($val) { $parsed[$dest] = $val; } } $geto = getopt($short, $long); foreach ($geto as $k=>$v) { foreach ($opts as $o=>$oo) { $h = null; if ($k == rtrim($oo[0],':')) { $h = str_ends_with($oo[0],':'); } elseif ($k == rtrim($oo[1],':')) { $h = str_ends_with($oo[1],':'); } if ($h !== null) { $parsed[$o] = $h ? $v : true; } } } $this->options = $parsed; $this->log->setVerbose($parsed['verbose']); } public function printUsage() { printf("fresh.phar v%s - (c) 2022, NoccyLabs / GPL v3 or later\n", APP_VERSION); printf("Check for updates to docker images or compose stacks.\n\n"); printf("Usage:\n %s [options]\n\n", basename($GLOBALS['argv'][0])); printf("Options:\n"); foreach(self::$optionsMap as $group=>$options) { printf(" %s:\n", $group); foreach ($options as $opt) { $s = rtrim($opt[0], ':'); $l = rtrim($opt[1], ':'); $h = str_ends_with($opt[0],':') || str_ends_with($opt[1],':'); $d = $opt[4]??null; $e = $opt[3]??null; $optkey = null; if ($s) $optkey .= "-" . $s; if ($s&&$l) $optkey .= ","; if ($l) $optkey .= "--" . $l; if ($h) $optkey .= " VALUE"; printf(" %-25s %s", $optkey, $opt[2]); if ($d) printf(" (default: %s)", $d); if ($e) printf(" [\$%s]", $e); echo "\n"; } } printf("\nNote:\n"); printf(" When invoked without any flags, fresh will look for a docker-compose.yml file and\n"); printf(" check all images in repositories for which credentials are available. If any of those\n"); printf(" images have been updated, the new images will be pulled and the containers recreated\n"); printf(" and restarted. If you only want to pull, use the --pull flag. If you only want to check\n"); printf(" for updates, use the --check flag and check the exit code.\n"); } public function run() { $this->parseCommandLine(); if ($this->options['help']) { $this->printUsage(); exit(0); } try { $this->setupDirectory(); $this->setupCredentialsLoader(); $this->setupConfiguration(); $this->setupHooks(); $updated = $this->checkUpdates(); // If called with --check, only return exit status if ($this->options['check']) { exit(($updated === null) ? 0 : 1); } if ($updated !== null) { $this->callHooks($updated); $this->doUpdate($updated); $this->callScript(); } exit(($updated === null) ? 0 : 1); } catch (\Throwable $t) { fprintf(STDERR, "fatal: %s (%s#%d)\n", $t->getMessage(), $t->getFile(), $t->getLine()); if (!$this->options['verbose']) { fprintf(STDERR, $this->log->asString()."\n"); } exit(2); } } /** * Makes sure the directory is valid, and prepares the state file and the lockfile * to be used. * */ private function setupDirectory() { $this->path = $this->options['path'] ? realpath($this->options['path']) : getcwd(); if (!is_dir($this->path)) { fwrite(STDERR, "error: No such path {$this->options['path']}\n"); exit(2); } $this->log->append("Working dir: ".$this->path); chdir($this->path); $this->state = new PersistentState($this->path . "/fresh.yml"); $this->lockfile = new Lockfile($this->path . "/fresh.lock"); } /** * Initialize the credentials loader to retrieve registry credentials * */ private function setupCredentialsLoader() { switch ($this->options['credentials']) { case 'auto': case 'basic': $this->credentialsLoader = new BasicCredentialsLoader(); $this->log->append("Using BasicCredentialsLoader for credentials"); break; default: fwrite(STDERR, "error: Invalid credentials loader type\n"); exit(2); } } /** * Initialize the configuration to use for updating * */ private function setupConfiguration() { if (file_exists($this->path."/docker-compose.yml")) { $this->config = new ComposeConfiguration($this->path."/docker-compose.yml"); } else { fwrite(STDERR, "error: Couldn't find a supported configuration file\n"); exit(2); } } /** * Check for newer versions of the image(s) * * @return array|null An array of information on updated images */ private function checkUpdates(): ?array { $this->lockfile->lock(); $checks = $this->config->getChecks(); if (count($checks) === 0) { fwrite(STDERR, "error: couldn't find any images to check\n"); exit(2); } $update = []; $quiet = $this->options['quiet']; $this->log->append("Checking ".count($checks)." images"); foreach ($checks as $check) { $ref = new ImageReference($check); $reg = $ref->getRegistry(); $credentials = $this->credentialsLoader->getCredentials($reg); if (!$credentials) { $this->log->append(sprintf(" %s: missing credentials for registry", $reg."/".$ref->getImage(), $ref->getRegistry())); continue; } $client = new RegistryV2Client($reg, $credentials); $status = $client->getImageStatus($ref->getImage(), $ref->getTag()); $image = $reg."/".$status['image'].":".$status['tag']; $oldHash = $this->state->get($image); $newHash = $status['hash']; if ($oldHash != $newHash) { if (!$quiet && !$this->options['verbose']) printf("%s: %s → %s\n", $image, $this->truncateHash($oldHash), $this->truncateHash($newHash)); $this->log->append(sprintf(" %s: %s → %s", $image, $this->truncateHash($oldHash), $this->truncateHash($newHash))); $this->state->set($image, $newHash); $update[] = (object)[ 'ref' => $ref, 'old' => $oldHash, 'new' => $newHash ]; } else { $this->log->append(sprintf(" %s: %s", $image, $this->truncateHash($newHash))); } } return empty($update) ? null : $update; } public function doUpdate() { $this->log->append("Pulling updated images..."); $this->exec("docker-compose pull --quiet"); if (!$this->options['pull']) { $this->log->append("Refreshing updated containers..."); $this->exec("docker-compose up -d"); if ($this->options['prune']) { $this->log->append("Pruning dangling images..."); $this->exec("docker image prune -f"); } } $this->log->append("Flushing state..."); $this->state->flush(); } private function setupHooks() { $slackUrl = $this->options['slack']; if ($slackUrl) { $this->hooks[] = new SlackHook([ 'url' => $slackUrl ]); } } private function callHooks(array $updated) { $images = []; foreach ($updated as $u) { $images[] = sprintf("%s/%s:%s", $u->ref->getRegistry(), $u->ref->getImage(), $u->ref->getTag()); } $msg = "Deploying updated containers:\n* ".join("\n* ", $images); foreach ($this->hooks as $hook) { $hook->sendMessage($msg, []); } } private function callScript() { $script = $this->options['script']; if ($script) { $this->exec($script); } } private function truncateHash(?string $hash): string { if ($hash === null) return '?'; return substr($hash, 0, 4) . ".." . substr($hash, -4, 4); } private function exec(string $cmdl) { $this->log->append("\$ {$cmdl}"); $fd = popen($cmdl." 2>&1","r"); while (!feof($fd)) { $s = rtrim(fgets($fd)); if (trim($s)) $this->log->append($s); } fclose($fd); } }