# Mercureact This is an implementation of the Mercure realtime protocol on steroids, built using ReactPHP. **Mercureact is under development, and not ready for use in anything important.** It is intended to be used standalone, but it may also be integrated into another PHP application. ## Installing As PHAR: * Download the latest [release](/noccy/mercureact/releases) from the forge. As Composer dependency: * `composer require noccylabs/mercureact` ## Using as PHAR *TODO.* ```shell # Make a copy of the dist config and edit it $ cp mercureact.conf.dist mercureact.conf $ editor mercureact.conf # Use the config file when launching $ ./mercureact.phar -c mercureact.conf ``` ## Using as dependency *TODO.* ## ToDos * [ ] Read config from file * [ ] Security Security Security * [x] Check JWTs on connect * [x] Check claims on subscribe and publish * [ ] WebSocket authentication * [ ] Extract JWT claims to request attributes, instead of JWTToken * [x] Subscription/Topic manager * [x] Unify distribution * [ ] Enumerate subscriptions and topics * [x] Publish events * [x] Server-Side Events distributor * [x] Distribute events over SSE * [ ] WebSocket distributor * [ ] Setup subscriptions * [ ] Dynamic subscriptions * [x] Distribute events over WS * [x] Break out HTTP middleware into classes * [ ] HTTP middleware unittests * [ ] Replay missed events based on event id * [ ] Figure out how to determine last event IDs * [ ] Metrics endpoint