getChildElementNodes()); if ($this->hasAttribute('itemref')) { $tokens = preg_split('/\s+/', $this->getAttribute('itemref')); foreach ($tokens as $token) { // @todo Implement xpath query and get the first item } } while ($pending) { $current = array_pop($pending); foreach ($memory as $memory_item) { if ($current->isSameNode($memory_item)) { continue 2; // Skip next part and continue while loop if memory contains $current } } $memory[] = $current; if (! $current->hasAttribute('itemscope')) { $pending = array_merge($pending, $current->getChildElementNodes()); } if ($current->hasAttribute('itemprop') && /* hasPropertyNames */ $current->getPropertyNames()) { $results[] = $current; } } $results = array_reverse($results); return $results; } public function getPropertyNames() { $itemprop = $this->getAttribute('itemprop'); $tokens = $itemprop ? preg_split('/\s+/', $itemprop) : []; $properties = []; foreach ($tokens as $token) { if ($this->isAbsoluteUri($token)) { $properties[] = $token; } elseif ($this->isTypedItem()) { $properties[] = /*$vocabularyIdentifier . */ $token; } else { $properties[] = $token; } } $properties = array_unique($properties); return $properties; } public function getPropertyValue() { if ($this->hasAttribute('itemscope')) { return $this; } if ($this->hasAttribute('content')) { return $this->getAttribute('content'); } $base = $this->ownerDocument->documentURI; switch ($this->tagName) { case 'audio': case 'embed': case 'iframe': case 'img': case 'source': case 'track': case 'video': if ($this->hasAttribute('src')) { $result = $this->getAttribute('src'); // @todo check against protocol relative urls like "//" return $this->isAbsoluteUri($result) ? $result : $base.$result; } case 'a': case 'area': case 'link': if ($this->hasAttribute('href')) { $result = $this->getAttribute('href'); return $this->isAbsoluteUri($result) ? $result : $base.$result; } case 'object': if ($this->hasAttribute('data')) { $result = $this->getAttribute('data'); return $this->isAbsoluteUri($result) ? $result : $base.$result; } case 'data': case 'meter': if ($this->hasAttribute('value')) { return $this->getAttribute('value'); } case 'time': if ($this->hasAttribute('datetime')) { return $this->getAttribute('datetime'); } default: return $this->textContent; } } public function isTypedItem() { $tokens = []; if ($this->hasAttribute('itemtype')) { $tokens = preg_split("/\s+/", $this->getAttribute('itemtype')); } return !empty($tokens); } protected function isAbsoluteUri(string $uri) { return preg_match("/^\w+:/", trim($uri)); } protected function getChildElementNodes() { $childNodes = []; foreach ($this->childNodes as $childNode) { if ($childNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { $childNodes[] = $childNode; } } return $childNodes; } }