setName("apply"); $this->setDescription("Apply a hotfix from a file or the Internet"); $this->addOption("insecure", "I", InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "Disable signature checks. Don't use unless you know what you are doing!"); $this->addOption("preview", "p", InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "Only preview the hotfix script, don't apply anything"); $this->addArgument("hotfix", InputArgument::OPTIONAL, "The identifier or filename of the hotfix"); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->output = $output; $fix = $input->getArgument("hotfix"); if (!$fix) { $output->writeln("No hotfix specified."); return; } //$loader = new Loader(); $output->writeln("Reading hotfix {$fix}..."); try { $hotfix = HotfixLoader::load($fix); //$hotfix = $loader->load($fix, $insecure); } catch (\Exception $e) { $output->writeln("Error: ".$e->getMessage().""); return; } $output->writeln(""); $header = $hotfix->getHeader(); $output->writeln(" Hotfix: ".$header->getName().""); $output->writeln(" Author: ".$header->getAuthor().""); $info = explode("\n",wordwrap(trim($header->getInfo()), 80)); $info = "".join("\n ", $info).""; $output->writeln(" Info: ".$info); $output->writeln(""); if (!$this->checkSignature($hotfix, $output)) { if (!$input->getOption('insecure')) { $output->writeln("Hotfix can not be authenticated. Aborting!"); return; } } if (!$this->checkRequirements($hotfix, $output)) { $output->writeln("Error: This hotfix it not compatible with the current distribution"); return; } $output->writeln(""); if ($input->getOption("preview")) { $output->writeln("This is the script that will be executed:"); $body = $hotfix->getBody(); $body = " ".join("\n ", explode("\n",$body)).""; $output->writeln($body); return; } $helper = $this->getHelper("question"); $question = new ConfirmationQuestion("Do you want to apply this hotfix? [y/N] ", false); if (!$helper->ask($input, $output, $question)) { return; } $output->writeln("\nApplying hotfix...\n"); try { $hotfix->apply(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $output->writeln("\nError: ".$e->getMessage().""); } $output->writeln("\nHotfix applied successfully"); } private function checkSignature(Hotfix $hotfix, OutputInterface $output) { $signature = $hotfix->getSignature(); if ($signature->isValid()) { $keyid = $signature->getKeyId(); $signer = $signature->getSigner(); $output->writeln("Hotfix has good signature from {$signer} (keyid {$keyid})"); return true; } else { $error = $signature->getError(); $output->writeln("Warning: {$error}"); return false; } } private function checkRequirements(Hotfix $hotfix, OutputInterface $output) { $requires = $hotfix->getHeader()->getRequirements(); if (count($requires)>0) { $engine = new ExpressionLanguage(); $facts = Facts::getSystemFacts()->getFacts(); while (true) { $expr = array_shift($requires); $ret = $engine->evaluate($expr, $facts); if ($ret) { //$output->writeln("Hotfix is compatible with the current distribution"); break; } if (count($requires)==0) { return false; } } } return true; } }