# LiteDB: An IndexedDB/MongoDb-inspired wrapper around SQLite ## Usage To use LiteDb, pass the path to the database file, the current schema version and an upgrade handler. This makes it easy to upgrade the database as new stores and indexes are needed. ### Create (or upgrade) a store Use the `createStore()` method to create or upgrade a store. If the store exists, the instance will be returned so the same fluid code style can be used. $db->createStore("foo") ->addIndex("bar"); ### Create (insert) data Create records using the `add()` or `addAll()` methods on the store. ### Update data Update records using the `put()` method on the store. ### Delete data Delete records using the `delete()` method on the store. ### Retrieving (selecting) data Find records with the `get()` method, passing the key value to match against and optionally the key to match. ### Example $db = new LiteDb("data.db", 1, function ($db, $oldVersion) { switch ($oldVersion) { case null: $db->createStore('users', 'username') ->addIndex('username', [ 'unique' => true ]) ->addIndex('id', [ 'autoIncrement' => true ]); } }); $db->users->add([ 'username' => 'bob', 'password' => 'supersecret' ]); $user = $db->users->get('bob');