Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Chris 2018-04-06 01:22:42 +02:00
commit fd5b3ddb8f
7 changed files with 514 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

87 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
PharLite: Easy PHAR generator
Make sure PHP can write PHARs in your `php.ini` before trying anything else.
`composer.json` options
"extra": {
"phar": {
"include": [ ... ],
"exclude": [ ... ],
"index": "web/index.php",
"output": "pharname.phar",
"strip": "none",
"metadata": { ... },
"preload": [ ... ],
### `include` and `exclude`
Specify additional files or paths to include or exclude.
### `index`: Create a web phar
Specifying this option will automatically opt to create a web phar. The value should
point to a valid index file or router.
### `output`: Output filename
Defines the output filename. Defaults to `output.phar`
### `strip`: Trim file sizes
Valid values are `none`, `all` or an array of patterns to match.
"strip": "all" Strip all files
"strip": "none" Include everything as is (default)
"strip": [ "src/*.php" ] All *.php in src/ and subdirectories
Stripping will remove comments and whitepace in files, which makes them smaller
but can confuse code that dynamically parses f.ex. docblock comments for routing
info etc.
### `metadata`: Phar metadata
Define additional metadata to write to the phar. The following keys are automatically
| Key | Type | Description |
| `phar.generator` | string | The string `PharLite/x.y (PHP/x.y)`
| `phar.type` | string | One of `app`, `library` or `web`
| `` | string | The composer package name
| `package.version` | string | The composer package version
### `preload`: Files to preload
If defined, this should be an array of files to include after `composer.json` in the
To build a phar from a composer project, just run `pharlite`. It will build one of
the following:
* **Library phar** - A single file containing a composer library, complete with
autoloaders and all that magic.
* **Application phar** - An executable file containing an application and its
* **Web phar** - A complete website in a single file
If more than one `bin` is defined in the `composer.json`, the first one will be
the default one, but all defined bins will be available by symlinking the phar
to the respective names.
"bin": [ "bin/foo", "bin/bar" ]
output.phar, foo.phar, foo, hello.phar -> calls bin/foo
bar.phar, bar -> calls bin/bar

bin/pharlite Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#!/usr/bin/env php
require_once __DIR__."/../vendor/autoload.php";
define("PHARLITE_VERSION", "0.1.x");
if (posix_isatty(STDOUT)) {
define("FMT_ERR", "\e[31;1m");
define("FMT_WARN", "\e[33;1m");
define("FMT_INFO", "\e[32m");
define("FMT_AFTER", "\e[0m");
} else {
define("FMT_ERR", "");
define("FMT_WARN", "");
define("FMT_INFO", "");
define("FMT_AFTER", "");
function print_error($fmt, ...$arg) {
fprintf(STDOUT, FMT_ERR.$fmt."ERROR: ".FMT_AFTER.PHP_EOL, ...$arg);
function print_warn($fmt, ...$arg) {
fprintf(STDOUT, FMT_WARN.$fmt.FMT_AFTER.PHP_EOL, ...$arg);
function print_info($fmt, ...$arg) {
fprintf(STDOUT, FMT_INFO.$fmt.FMT_AFTER.PHP_EOL, ...$arg);
function show_app_usage() {
function parse_opts() {
$opts = getopt(
$parsed = [];
foreach ($opts as $option=>$value) {
switch ($option) {
case 'h':
case 'help':
return false;
case 'd':
case 'dir':
case 'directory':
$parsed['dir'] = $value;
case 'o':
case 'output':
$parsed['output'] = $value;
case 'i':
case 'install':
$parsed['install'] = true;
return $parsed;
$opts = parse_opts();
if (false === parse_opts()) {
$path = getcwd();
$builder = new PharLite\Builder($path, $opts);

composer.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"PharLite\\": "src/"
"require": {
"symfony/finder": "^4.0"
"bin": [

src/Builder.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
namespace PharLite;
class Builder
const PHAR_TYPE_APP = "app";
const PHAR_TYPE_WEB = "web";
const PHAR_TYPE_LIB = "lib";
/** @var string */
protected $path;
protected $manifest;
protected $composer;
protected $output;
protected $pharType = self::PHAR_TYPE_LIB;
protected $pharOpts = [];
protected $index;
protected $bins;
private static $default_options = [
'install' => false,
public function __construct($path=null, array $opts=[])
if (!$path) {
$path = getcwd();
if (!file_exists($path."/composer.json")) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Could not find a composer.json in {$path}");
$this->opts = array_merge(
private function readComposer()
print_info("Parsing composer.json...");
$json = file_get_contents("composer.json");
$composer = json_decode($json);
if (!isset($composer->bin) || !is_array($composer->bin)) {
print_warn("No executable defined, building a library phar...");
} elseif (count($composer->bin)>1) {
print_info("More than one executable defined, using the first one as default");
print_info(" → Using executable %s", $composer->bin[0]);
$this->bins = $composer->bin;
} else {
print_info(" → Using executable %s", $composer->bin[0]);
$this->bins = $composer->bin;
if (isset($composer->extra) && isset($composer->extra->phar)) {
print_info(" → Found extra phar configuration");
$this->pharOpts = (array)$composer->extra->phar;
if ($this->index) {
$this->pharType = self::PHAR_TYPE_WEB;
$this->output = basename($this->index,".php").".phar";
} else {
if (isset($composer->bin) && is_array($composer->bin)) {
$this->pharType = self::PHAR_TYPE_APP;
$this->output = "output.phar";
print_info("Generating output %s", $this->output);
$this->composer = $composer;
private function installComposer()
print_info("Installing dependencies...");
passthru("composer install --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader");
private function buildManifest()
print_info("Creating manifest...");
$manifest = new Manifest($this->path);
// Always include the vendor directory
print_info(" ← vendor/");
// Include everything from the autoload
if (isset($this->composer->autoload)) {
foreach ((array)$this->composer->autoload as $type=>$autoloaders) {
if ($type == "files") {
foreach ($autoloaders as $file) {
print_info(" ← %s", $file);
foreach ($autoloaders as $prefix=>$path) {
print_info(" ← %s", $path);
if (array_key_exists('include', $this->pharOpts)) {
foreach ((array)$this->pharOpts['include'] as $path) {
print_info(" ← %s", $path);
if (substr($path,-1,1)==DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
} else {
$this->manifest = $manifest;
private function generateBootstrap(\Phar $phar, $type, $index=null, array $bins=[])
print_info("Generating bootstrap stub...");
if (!$index && count($bins)==0) {
$indexFile = '<?php require_once __DIR__."/vendor/autoload.php";';
} elseif (count($bins)>1) {
$indexFile = '<?php $bin=basename($argv[0],".phar"); switch($bin) {';
for ($n = 1; $n<count($bins); $n++) {
$indexFile.= 'case '.var_export(basename($bins[$n]),true).': require_once __DIR__."/".'.var_export($bins[$n],true).'; break;';
$indexFile.= 'case '.var_export(basename($bins[0]),true).': default: require_once __DIR__."/".'.var_export($bins[0],true).'; break;';
$indexFile.= '}';
$index = "bootstrap.php";
foreach ($bins as $bin) {
$str = file_get_contents($bin);
$str = $this->stripShebang($str);
$phar->addFromString($bin, $str);
} else {
$indexFile = file_get_contents($index);
$indexFile = $this->stripShebang($indexFile);
$index = "bootstrap.php";
$stub = "#!/usr/bin/env php\n".$phar->createDefaultStub($index);
$phar->addFromString($index, $indexFile);
private function stripShebang($str)
if (strpos($str, '#!') === 0) {
if (strpos($str, '#!/usr/bin/env php') === 0) {
$str = substr($str,strpos($str, "<?"));
return $str;
private function writeMetadata(\Phar $phar, array $metadata=[])
$metadata = array_merge([
'phar.generator' => "PharLite/".PHARLITE_VERSION." (PHP/".PHP_VERSION.")",
'phar.type' => $this->pharType,
'' => isset($this->composer->name)?$this->composer->name:null,
'package.version' => isset($this->composer->version)?$this->composer->version:null,
], $metadata);
print_info("Writing metadata:\n%s", json_encode($metadata, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES|JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
public function build()
if ($this->opts['install']) {
print_info("Adding files...");
$phar = new \Phar($this->output);
$total = count($this->manifest);
$pcf = 100 / $total;
$bw = 40;
$pbf = $bw / $total;
$index = 0;
foreach ($this->manifest as $object) {
// printf(" %s: %s\n", $object->getFilename(), $object->getLocalName());
if (posix_isatty(STDOUT) && ($index++ % 25 == 0)) {
$pc = $pcf * $index;
$pb = round($pbf * $index);
printf("\r[%s%s] %.1f%%", str_repeat("=",$pb), str_repeat(" ",$bw-$pb), $pc);
if (posix_isatty(STDOUT)) {
print_info("Added %d files!", $index);
$this->generateBootstrap($phar, $this->pharType, $this->index, $this->bins);
$this->writeMetadata($phar, (array)(array_key_exists('metadata',$this->pharOpts)?$this->pharOpts['metadata']:[]));
chmod($this->output, 0777);

src/Manifest.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
namespace PharLite;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
class Manifest implements \IteratorAggregate, \Countable
/** @var string Root directory of the project being built */
protected $root;
/** @var ManifestObject[] The included objects */
protected $objects = [];
public function __construct($root)
$this->root = $root;
public function addDirectory($path, callable $filter=null)
$path = rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
$obj = (new Finder)->files()->in($path);
foreach ($obj as $o) {
if (is_callable($filter) && (false === $filter($o))) {
$path = $o->getPathname();
public function addFile($file)
if (strpos($file, $this->root) === 0) {
$local = substr($file, 0, strlen($this->root));
} else {
$local = $file;
$this->objects[] = new ManifestObject($file, $local);
public function getIterator()
return new \ArrayIterator($this->objects);
public function count()
return count($this->objects);

src/ManifestObject.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
namespace PharLite;
* Class representing a single object to be added to a phar
class ManifestObject
protected $filename;
protected $localname;
public function __construct($filename, $localname=null)
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->localname = $localname;
public function getFilename()
return $this->filename;
public function getLocalName()
return $this->localname;
public function addToPhar(\Phar $phar)
public function addFiltered(\Phar $phar, callable $filter)
$body = file_get_contents($this->filename);
$body = call_user_func($filter, $body);
$phar->addFromString($this->getLocalName(), $body);