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if (!(file_exists(getcwd()."/plugins") && file_exists(getcwd()."/spark.phar"))) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Not running from installer directory! Already installed?\n");
function askConfirm(string $prompt, bool $default) {
$pstr = sprintf("%s [%s]? ", $prompt, $default?"Y/n":"y/N");
$read = readline($pstr);
switch (strtolower($read)) {
case 'yes':
case 'y':
return true;
case 'no':
case 'n':
return false;
return $default;
function askString(string $prompt, ?string $default=null) {
$pstr = sprintf("%s [%s]? ", $prompt, $default);
$read = readline($pstr);
if (empty($read)) return $default;
return $read;
2021-12-29 23:53:08 +00:00
$logo = require_once __DIR__."/logo.php";
echo $logo;
2021-12-29 23:53:08 +00:00
//echo " ___ _ \n";
//echo "/ __|_ __ __ _ _ _| |__\n";
//echo "\\__ \\ '_ \\/ _` | '_| / /\n";
//echo "|___/ .__/\\__,_|_| |_\\_\\\n";
//echo " |_| \n";
printf("\n%s\n \u{26a1} \e[1mSpark\e[0m Installer\n%s\n\n", str_repeat("\u{2500}",80), str_repeat("\u{2500}", 80));
2021-12-08 23:58:28 +00:00
$destination = askString("Installation directory", getenv("HOME")."/opt/spark");
$binaries = askString("Path for executables", getenv("HOME")."/bin");
if (!is_dir($destination)) {
$doMakeDir = askConfirm("Create directory", true);
} else {
$doMakeDir = false;
$doAliases = askConfirm("Install default aliases", true);
$doPlugins = askConfirm("Install plugins globally", true);
if (!askConfirm("Continue with the installation", false)) {
if ($doMakeDir) {
printf("Creating directories...\n");
mkdir($destination, 0777, true);
mkdir($destination."/plugins", 0777, true);
printf("Installing Spark...\n");
passthru("cp -R spark.phar ".escapeshellarg($destination."/spark.phar"));
@symlink($destination."/spark.phar", $binaries."/spark");
printf("Installing plugins...\n");
passthru("cp -R plugins/* ".escapeshellarg($destination."/plugins/"));
if ($doPlugins) {
$file = sprintf("export SPARK_PLUGINS=\"%s/plugins\"\n", $destination);
file_put_contents(getenv("HOME")."/.bashrc_spark", $file);
printf("Updated \e[3m.bashrc_spark\e[0m.\n");
$file = file_get_contents(getenv("HOME")."/.bashrc");
if (!str_contains($file, ".bashrc_spark")) {
$file .= "\nsource ~/.bashrc_spark\n";
file_put_contents(getenv("HOME")."/", $file);
rename(getenv("HOME")."/.bashrc", getenv("HOME")."/.bashrc.bak");
rename(getenv("HOME")."/", getenv("HOME")."/.bashrc");
printf("Updated \e[3m.bashrc\e[0m.\n");
if ($doAliases) {
$file = file_get_contents(getenv("HOME")."/.bash_aliases") . "\n";
$file .= "alias sparksh=\"spark repl\"\n";
$file .= "alias sparker=\"spark run\"\n";
$file .= "alias sparkplug=\"spark plugins\"\n";
$file .= "alias sparkpipe=\"spark pipe\"\n";
file_put_contents(getenv("HOME")."/", $file);
rename(getenv("HOME")."/.bash_aliases", getenv("HOME")."/.bash_aliases.bak");
rename(getenv("HOME")."/", getenv("HOME")."/.bash_aliases");
printf("Updated \e[3m.bash_aliases\e[0m.\n");
printf("Installation complete!\nPlease restart your shell, or \e[3msource ~/.bash_aliases\e[0m and try typing \e[3mspark\e[0m.\n");