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namespace Spark\Environment;
class ScriptRunner
private array $scripts = [];
private ?string $directory = null;
private bool $quiet;
public function __construct(bool $quiet=false)
$this->quiet = $quiet;
public function setDirectory(?string $directory)
$this->directory = $directory;
public function defineScript(string $name, string|array $script)
$this->scripts[$name] = $script;
public function evaluateDefinedScript(string $name)
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->scripts)) {
printf("error: The script {$name} is not defined\n");
$script = $this->scripts[$name];
public function evaluate(string|array $script, array $locals=[])
if (is_array($script)) {
foreach ($script as $step) {
$this->evaluate($step, $locals);
$script = $this->expandString($script, $locals);
// Determine what to do
if (str_starts_with($script, '@')) {
// starts with @, call on a defined script
$subname = substr($script, 1);
$subscript = $this->scripts[$subname];
} else {
if (!$this->quiet) {
if (posix_isatty(STDOUT)) {
printf("\e[0;33m> \e[0;93m%s\e[0m\n", $script);
} else {
printf("> %s\n", $script);
if (str_contains($script, ' ')) {
[$script, $args] = explode(" ", $script, 2);
$args = str_getcsv($args, ' ', "'");
} else {
$args = [];
if (is_callable($script)) {
// call script
call_user_func($script, ...$args);
} elseif (file_exists((string)$script) && fnmatch("*.php", (string)$script)) {
include $script;
} else {
// call shell
$cmdl = trim(escapeshellcmd((string)$script) . " " . join(" ", array_map("escapeshellarg", $args)));
$proc = proc_open($cmdl, [ 0 => STDIN, 1 => STDOUT, 2 => STDERR ], $pipes, $this->directory);
while ($stat = proc_get_status($proc)) {
if ($stat['running'] === false) {
$ec = $stat['exitcode'];
if ($ec != 0) {
printf("\e[31mcommand exited with code %d.\e[0m\n", $stat['exitcode']);
throw new \RuntimeException("Command {$cmdl} exited with code {$ec}");
public function expandString(string $input, array $locals=[])
return preg_replace_callback('/(\$\{(.+?)\})/', function ($match) use ($locals) {
if (array_key_exists($match[2], $locals)) {
return $locals[$match[2]];
return ($_ENV[$match[2]]??getenv($match[2]))??null;
}, $input);