
102 lines
2.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-12-08 23:58:28 +00:00
# FIXME: These tests need to check that the concatenation of archives works
set -eu
THIS="$(realpath "$0")"
WHAT="$(basename "${THIS}")"
HERE="$(dirname "${THIS}")"
SRCDIR="$(dirname "${HERE}")"
readonly archive_dir_create="$(mktemp -dt archive_dir_create.XXXXXX)"
readonly archive_dir_append="$(mktemp -dt archive_dir_append.XXXXXX)"
touch "${archive_dir_create}/fee"
touch "${archive_dir_create}/fie"
touch "${archive_dir_append}/foe"
touch "${archive_dir_append}/fum"
evalAssert() {
eval "$@"
assertEqual "$?" "0"
# $1 : file_name
doInfoListCheckExec() {
evalAssert "$1" --info
evalAssert "$1" --list
evalAssert "$1" --check
evalAssert "$1"
# $1 : file_name
# rest : content basenames
assertContains() {
local file_name=""
file_name="$(realpath "$1")"
local target="${file_name}.d"
rm -rf "${target}"
mkdir -p "${target}"
evalAssert "${file_name}" --target "${target}"
assertEqual \
"$(find "${target}" -type f -exec basename -a {} + | sort)" \
"$(echo "$@" | sort)"
rm -rf "${target}"
# $@ : makeself options
doTestOpts() {
local stem=""
stem="$(printf '%s' "${WHAT}" "$@" | tr -sc '[:alnum:]_.-' '_')"
local file_name=""
evalAssert "${SUT}" "$@" --sha256 \
"${archive_dir_create}" \
"${file_name}" \
"${stem}" \
"echo ${stem}"
file_name="$(realpath ${file_name})"
doInfoListCheckExec "${file_name}"
assertContains "${file_name}" "fee" "fie"
evalAssert "${SUT}" "$@" --sha256 \
--append "${archive_dir_append}" \
doInfoListCheckExec "${file_name}"
assertContains "${file_name}" "fee" "fie" "foe" "fum"
rm -f "${file_name}"
# $1 : compression option
doTestComp() {
if ! command -v "${1#--*}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "WARNING: missing command: ${1#--*}" >&2
return 0
doTestOpts "$1"
testDefault() { doTestOpts; }
testNocomp() { doTestOpts --nocomp; }
testBase64() { doTestComp --base64; }
testBzip2() { doTestComp --bzip2; }
testCompress() { doTestComp --compress; }
testGzip() { doTestComp --gzip; }
testLz4() { doTestComp --lz4; }
testLzo() { doTestComp --lzo; }
testPbzip2() { doTestComp --pbzip2; }
testPigz() { doTestComp --pigz; }
testXz() { doTestComp --xz; }
testZstd() { doTestComp --zstd; }
source bashunit/bashunit.bash
rm -rf "${archive_dir_create}" "${archive_dir_append}"