setName("api:request") ->setDescription("Send a request") ->addOption("profile", "p", InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, "Use profile for request") ->addOption("save", "s", InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "Save to catalog") ->addArgument("method", InputArgument::OPTIONAL, "Request URL or catalog.method") ->addArgument("props", InputArgument::IS_ARRAY, "Parameter key=value pairs") ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { /** @var ApiClientPlugin */ $plugin = get_plugin('com.noccy.apiclient'); $separator = str_repeat("\u{2500}", 40); $method = $input->getArgument("method"); $builder = new RequestBuilder(); if (str_contains($method, "://")) { $builder->setProperties([ 'url' => $method ]); } else { if (str_contains($method, '.')) { [$catalog,$method] = explode(".", $method, 2); $catalogObj = $plugin->getCatalog($catalog); // if (!$catalogObj) { // $output->writeln("No such catalog {$catalog}"); // return Command::FAILURE; // } $methodObj = $catalogObj->getMethod($method); // if (!$methodObj) { // $output->writeln("No such method {$method} in catalog {$catalog}"); // return Command::FAILURE; // } $builder->setCatalog($catalogObj); $builder->setMethod($methodObj); } } $props = []; $propstr = $input->getArgument("props"); foreach ($propstr as $str) { if (!str_contains($str,"=")) { $output->writeln("Ignoring parameter argument '{$str}'"); } else { [$k,$v] = explode("=",$str,2); $props[$k] = $v; } } $builder->addProperties($props); if ($input->getOption("save")) { $catalogObj = $plugin->getCatalog($catalog); $methodObj = new Method([ 'name' => $method, 'info' => $props['']??null, 'props' => $props ]); $catalogObj->addMethod($method, $methodObj); $plugin->saveCatalog($catalogObj); $output->writeln("Saved method {$method} to catalog {$catalog}"); return self::SUCCESS; } if ($profile = $input->getOption("profile")) { $profileObj = $plugin->getProfile($profile); $builder->setProfile($profileObj); } $request = $builder->getRequest(); $table = new Table($output); $table->setStyle('compact'); $table->setHeaders([ "Request Info", "" ]); foreach ($request->getInfo() as $i=>$v) { $table->addRow([$i,$v]); } $table->render(); $table = new Table($output); $table->setStyle('compact'); $table->setHeaders([ "Request Headers", "" ]); foreach ($request->getHeaders() as $i=>$v) { $table->addRow([$i,join("\n",$v)]); } $table->render(); $output->writeln($separator); $response = $request->send(); $rheaders = $response->getHeaders(); $table = new Table($output); $table->setStyle('compact'); $table->setHeaders([ "Response headers", "" ]); foreach ($rheaders as $h=>$v) { $table->addRow([$h,join("\n",$v)]); } $table->render(); $body = (string)$response->getBody(); $output->writeln($separator); $parseAs = $builder->getCalculatedProperty('response.parse'); if ($parseAs == 'json') { dump(json_decode($body)); } else { $output->writeln($body); } $output->writeln($separator); $output->writeln(strlen($body)." bytes"); $log = $plugin->getRequestLog("default"); $evt = RequestData::fromRequestResponse($request, $response, $input->getArgument('method')); $log->append($evt); $log->flush(); return Command::SUCCESS; } }