Christopher Vagnetoft 30dfd4889b Misc fixes and improvements
* Added request logging to com.noccy.apiclient
* Added plugin com.noccy.watcher
* Added pipe command and filter support
* Fixes and stubs
2021-12-14 23:01:25 +01:00

93 lines
3.2 KiB

namespace Spark\Commands;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand;
use Spark\Commands\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
#[AsCommand(name:'pipe', description:'Filter or analyze data piped through the command')]
class PipeCommand extends Command
public static string $HelpText;
protected function configure()
$this->addOption("list-filters", null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "List the defined filters");
$this->addOption("fdin", null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, "Input fd, for reading from", 0);
$this->addOption("fdout", null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, "Output fd, for writing to", 1);
$this->addOption("fderr", null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, "Error fd, for progress report and status", 2);
$this->addArgument("filter", InputArgument::OPTIONAL, "Pipe filter");
$this->addArgument("args", InputArgument::OPTIONAL|InputArgument::IS_ARRAY, "Arguments to the script");
private function registerDefaultFilters()
register_filter("base64encode", "base64_encode");
register_filter("base64decode", "base64_decode");
register_filter("passwordhash", function ($in) {
$trimmed = rtrim($in, "\n\r");
$hashed = password_hash($trimmed, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
return str_replace($trimmed, $hashed, $in);
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$env = $this->getEnvironment();
if ($input->getOption("list-filters")) {
$output->writeln(join(" ", get_registered_filters()));
return Command::SUCCESS;
$fdin = "php://fd/".$input->getOption("fdin");
$fdout = "php://fd/".$input->getOption("fdout");
$fderr = "php://fd/".$input->getOption("fderr");
$filtername = $input->getArgument("filter");
if ($filtername) {
$filter = get_filter($filtername);
} else {
$filter = null;
$fin = fopen($fdin, "rb");
$fout = fopen($fdout, "wb");
while (!feof($fin)) {
$buf = fgets($fin);
if (is_callable($filter)) $buf = $filter($buf);
fputs($fout, $buf);
return Command::SUCCESS;
PipeCommand::$HelpText = <<<HELP
The <info>pipe</> command is used to filter data, or to track piping of data.
\$ <comment>echo "mypassword" | spark pipe hashpassword > hashedpassword.txt</>
\$ <comment>cat file.sql | spark pipe sqlinfo | mysql</>
\$ <comment>cat input | spark pipe progress sizefrom=input | somecommand</>
<options=bold>Registering filters</>
To register a new filter, use the <info>register_filter</> helper function:
<comment>register_filter("myfilter", function (\$in) {
return strtolower(\$in);
The filter will be available like any built-in:
<comment>\$ cat file | spark pipe myfilter > outfile</>