Christopher Vagnetoft
* com.noccy.pdo: Implemented reflection for PDO databases, tables and columns. Reflectors for MySQL and Sqlite. * com.noccy.pdo: Added pdo:inspect command. * com.noccy.docker: Added basic stack management and commands. * com.noccy.docker: Moved commands to dedicated namespace. * Environment: readConfig and writeConfig helper added, with a flag to use the global config dir ~/.config/spark.
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namespace SparkPlug\Com\Noccy\Docker\Stack;
use Spark\Environment\Environment;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Table;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
class Stack
const BULLET="\u{25cf}";
private string $path;
private array $options = [];
public function __construct(string $path, array $options)
$this->path = $path;
$this->options = $options;
public function getPath(): string
return $this->path;
public function getName(): string
return $this->options['name'] ?? basename($this->path);
public function getComposeFile(): string
return $this->path . "/" . ($this->options['compose']??"docker-compose.yml");
public function getContainersTable(OutputInterface $output): Table
exec("docker-compose -f " . escapeshellarg($this->getComposeFile()) . " ps -q", $ids, $ret);
if (count($ids) === 0) {
$json = [];
} else {
exec("docker inspect ".join(" ",$ids), $out, $ret);
$json = json_decode(join("", $out));
$table = new Table($output);
$table->setHeaders([ "Name", "Status", "Image", "Ports" ]);
foreach ($json as $container) {
$startedTs = preg_replace('/(\.([0-9]+)Z)$/', '+0100', $container->State->StartedAt);
$s = date_parse($startedTs);
$started = mktime($s['hour'], $s['minute'], $s['second'], $s['month'], $s['day'], $s['year']) + 3600;
if ($container->State->Dead) {
$status = "<fg=red>".self::BULLET."</> ".$container->State->Status;
} elseif ($container->State->Restarting) {
$status = "<fg=yellow>".self::BULLET."</> ".$container->State->Status;
} elseif ($container->State->Running) {
$elapsed = time() - $started;
if ($elapsed > 60) {
$em = floor($elapsed / 60);
$es = $elapsed - ($em * 60);
if ($em>60) {
$eh = floor($em / 60);
$em = $em - ($eh * 60);
$elapsed = sprintf("%dh%dm%ds", $eh, $em, $es);
} else {
$elapsed = sprintf("%dm%ds", $em, $es);
} else {
$elapsed = sprintf("%ds", $elapsed);
$status = "<fg=green>".self::BULLET."</> ".$container->State->Status." (<fg=green>{$elapsed}</>)";
} else {
$status = "<fg=red>".self::BULLET."</> ".$container->State->Status;
$ports = $container->Config->ExposedPorts??[];
$ports = array_keys((array)$ports);
$table->addRow([ $container->Name, $status, $container->Config->Image, join(", ", $ports) ]);
return $table;
} |