UPnP Library for PHP ==================== This is a UPnP client implementation in native PHP. It currently supports basic discovery and device enumeration. ## Implemented Features ### HTTPU The HTTPU implementation is used by UPnP to send HTTP-like messages over UDP. It consist of an `Endpoint` class that creates a listening socket and classes and subclasses for `Request` and `Response`. Currently only `MSearchRequest` and `MSearchResponse` is implemented. These classes are used to send `M-SEARCH` messages for discovery, and to parse the response. ### SSDP The SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) implementation is used to find devices on the local network, and to enumerate child devices and defined services. To discover devices, use the `Discovery` class, and call `discover()` with the search target as the first parameter. The `SearchTarget` class contains constants and methods to help with resolving and constructing search types. Once the discovery has completed, you can iterate over the `Discovery` object to get the devices. use NoccyLabs\UPnP\SSDP\Discovery; use NoccyLabs\UPnP\SSDP\SearchTarget; $discovery = new Discovery(); $discovery->discover(SearchTarget::URN_SCHEMA_DEVICE_IGD_2); foreach ($discovery as $device) { print_r($device); } ## Search targets To find everything, use `ALL`: SearchTarget::ALL Find all root devices: SearchTarget::ROOT_DEVICE Find *Internet Gateway Devices* (routers). This equates to the type string `urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:`. Version 1 of the IGD specification has been deprecated, so you probably want to use version 2 when discovering devices: SearchTarget::URN_SCHEMA_DEVICE_IGD_1 SearchTarget::URN_SCHEMA_DEVICE_IGD_2 You can also find devices based on UUIDs: SearchTarget::UUID() -> "uuid:" Or devices based on the core UPnP schemas or device classes: SearchTarget::URN_SCHEMA_DEVICE(, ) -> "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device::" SearchTarget::URN_SCHEMA_SERVICE(, ) -> "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service::" For example, to find the devices returned by `URN_SCHEMA_DEVICE_IGD_2` you could use: SearchTarget::URN_SCHEMA_DEVICE('InternetGatewayDevice',2); Additionally, you can search for vendor specific services or device classes: SearchTarget::URN_DEVICE(, , ) -> "urn::device::" SearchTarget::URN_SERVICE(, , ) -> "urn::service::" For example, to find *DIAL* devices (for "casting" Netflix, YouTube etc. on TV) you could use: SearchTarget::URN_DEVICE('dial-multiscreen-org', 'dialreceiver', 1)