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2016-12-25 17:49:43 +01:00
namespace VfxApply\Plugin\Executor;
use VfxApply\Plugin;
use VfxApply\Input;
use VfxApply\Output;
use VfxApply\Preset;
class ExecutorPlugin extends Plugin
public function getName()
return "executor";
public function applyPreset(Preset $preset, Input $input, Output $output)
$env = [
'uinput' => $input->getFilename(),
'uoutput' => $output->getFilename(),
'frames' => $input->getVideoDuration()->frames,
'seconds' => $input->getVideoDuration()->seconds,
$env['input'] = escapeshellarg($env['uinput']);
$env['output'] = escapeshellarg($env['uoutput']);
$script = $this->loadScript($preset);
private function loadScript(Preset $preset)
$script = new Script();
foreach ((array)$preset->get('set') as $k=>$v) {
foreach ((array)$preset->get('script') as $name=>$step) {
$op = new Operation($name, $step);
return $script;
class Script
/** @var array Variables */
protected $vars = [];
public function set($k,$v)
$this->vars[$k] = $v;
public function addOperation(Operation $operation)
$this->operations[] = $operation;
public function execute(array $env)
$env = $this->buildEnvironment($env, $this->vars);
foreach ($this->operations as $operation) {
//printf("Executing: %s\n", $operation->getInfo());
private function buildEnvironment(array $env, array $vars)
$vars = array_merge($env, $vars);
foreach ($vars as $k=>$var) {
if (is_array($var)) {
$esc = empty($var['escape'])?false:$var['escape'];
$var = preg_replace_callback('/\{\%([a-z]+?)\}/i', function ($match) use (&$vars,$var) {
$k = $match[1];
if (empty($vars[$k])) return null;
return $vars[$k];
}, $var['value']);
if ($esc) $var = escapeshellarg($var);
$vars[$k] = $var;
return $vars;
public function parseVariable($value, array $env)
return preg_replace_callback('/\{\%([a-z]+?)\}/i', function ($match) use (&$env) {
$k = $match[1];
if (empty($env[$k])) return null;
return $env[$k];
}, $value);
class Operation
protected $name;
protected $info;
protected $parser;
protected $command;
protected $script;
public function __construct($name, array $data)
$_ = function($a,$k,$d=null) { return empty($a[$k])?$d:$a[$k]; };
$this->name = $name;
$this->info = $_($data,'info');
$this->command = $_($data,'exec');
$this->parser = new Parser($_($data,'parse'));
public function getName()
return $this->name;
public function getInfo()
return $this->info;
public function setScript(Script $script)
$this->script = $script;
public function execute(array $env)
$cmdl = $this->script->parseVariable($this->command, $env);
//printf(" cmd: %s\n", $this->command);
//printf(" eval: %s\n", $cmdl);
$descr = [
0 => [ 'pipe', 'r' ],
1 => [ 'pipe', 'w' ],
2 => [ 'pipe', 'w' ]
echo "Exec: ".$cmdl."\n";
$proc = proc_open($cmdl, $descr, $pipes);
$tot = (int)$env['frames']-1;
printf("\r%s [%s]", $this->info, $this->name);
$this->parser->parse($pipes, function ($status) use ($tot) {
$curr = (int)$status['frame'];
$pc = min(100,100/$tot*$curr);
printf("\r%s [%s]: %.1f%%", $this->info, $this->name, $pc);
class Parser
const STDOUT = 1;
const STDERR = 2;
/** @var array Resources */
protected $streams = [];
/** @var string The expression to match (preg match) */
protected $expression;
/** @var int The stream to watch */
protected $source;
/** @var array Index to name mappings */
protected $names = [];
public function __construct(array $parser=null)
$_ = function($a,$k,$d=null) { return empty($a[$k])?$d:$a[$k]; };
$this->expression = $_($parser,'regex');
$this->source = $_($parser,'from');
foreach ((array)$parser as $k=>$v) {
if (is_numeric($v)) {
$this->names[$k] = $v;
public function parse(array $streams, callable $callback)
$this->streams = $streams;
$match = [ 'stdout' => 1, 'stderr' => 2 ];
$source = $this->source?:'stdout';
foreach ($this->streams as $stream)
stream_set_blocking($stream, false);
while (!feof($this->streams[1])) {
$stdout = fread($this->streams[1],8192);
$stderr = fread($this->streams[2],8192);
//($stdout) && printf("OUT: <<%s>>\n", $stdout);
//($stderr) && printf("ERR: <<%s>>\n", $stderr);
if (($stdout && $this->expression) && ($source=='stdout'))
if (preg_match($this->expression, $stdout, $match))
call_user_func($callback, $this->parseNames($match));
if (($stderr && $this->expression) && ($source=='stderr'))
if (preg_match($this->expression, $stderr, $match))
call_user_func($callback, $this->parseNames($match));
protected function parseNames(array $match)
$ret = [];
foreach ($this->names as $k=>$index) {
$ret[$k] = $match[$index];
return $ret;
return new ExecutorPlugin();