preset: name: Stabilize video clip (two-pass) group: video plugin: executor info: > This preset uses 'transcode' to stabilize the video clip. As transcode has limited support for other output containers than AVI, the resulting file will be an .AVI file. props: set: inputtrf: { value:"{%uinput}.trf", escape:true } script: analyze: info: Getting stabilization vectors exec: "transcode -i {%input} -J stabilize" parse: { from: 'stderr', regex: '/encoding frames \[0-([0-9]+?)\],\s+([0-9\.]+?) fps/', frame:1, eta:2 } stabilize: info: Stabilizing video exec: "transcode -i {%input} -o {%output} -J transform -y dv" # -y ffmpeg -F mpeg4" parse: { from: 'stderr', regex: '/encoding frames \[0-([0-9]+?)\],\s+([0-9\.]+?) fps/', frame:1, eta:2 } cleanup: exec: "ls {%inputtrf}"