isDir()) continue; if (!file_exists($dir->getPathname()."/plugin.php")) continue; $this->loadPlugin($dir->getPathname()); } } public function readPresets() { $iter = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator( __DIR__."/../presets" )); foreach ($iter as $file) { if ($file->isDir() || ($file->getExtension()!='yml')) continue; $this->loadPreset($file->getPathname()); } } private function loadPlugin($path) { $plugin = require_once $path."/plugin.php"; $this->plugins[$plugin->getName()] = $plugin; } private function loadPreset($file) { try { $preset = Preset::createFromFile($file); $id = basename($file,".yml"); $this->presets[$id] = $preset; } catch (\Exception $e) { fprintf(STDERR, "Warning: The preset %s could not be loaded. %s\n", $file, $e->getMessage()); } } private function selectPreset() { $cmdl = "zenity --list --column=Group --column=Preset --column=Description ". "--title=\"Apply VFX\" ". "--width=400 --height=400 ". "--text=\"Select the preset to apply\" ". "--mid-search --print-column=2 "; foreach ($this->presets as $id=>$preset) { $cmdl.=sprintf( "%s %s %s ", escapeshellarg($preset->getGroup()), escapeshellarg($id), escapeshellarg($preset->getName()) ); } exec($cmdl." 2>/dev/null", $output, $retval); if ($retval == 0) { $name = trim($output[0]); return $this->presets[$name]; } else { return false; } } public function run() { $this->readPlugins(); $this->readPresets(); $opts = getopt("i:o:p:l"); if (array_key_exists('l',$opts)) { foreach ($this->presets as $name=>$preset) { printf("%s: %s\n", $name, $preset->getName()); } return 0; } $input = new Input(); if (!empty($opts['i'])) { $input->setFilename($opts['i']); } else { if (!$input->selectFile()) { return 1; } } $input->analyze(); $output = new Output(); if (empty($opts['o'])) { $output->setFilenameFromInput($input); } else { $output->setFilename($opts['o']); } $dur = $input->getVideoDuration(); printf("Input: %s %.2fs (%d frames)\n", $input->getFilename(), $dur->seconds, $dur->frames); printf("Output: %s\n", $output->getFilename()); if (empty($opts['p'])) { if (!($preset = $this->selectPreset())) { return 1; } } else { if (!array_key_exists($opts['p'], $this->presets)) { fprintf(STDERR, "Error: No such preset %s\n", $opts['p']); } $preset = $this->presets[$opts['p']]; } $plugin_name = $preset->getPlugin(); $plugin = $this->plugins[$plugin_name]; $plugin->applyPreset($preset, $input, $output); $msg = "Process completed.\n\nCreated ".$output->getFilename(); exec("notify-send -h int:transient:1 'Completed' ".escapeshellarg($msg)); } }