2016-12-25 17:49:43 +01:00
2016-12-25 17:49:43 +01:00

preset: name: Stabilize video clip group: video plugin: transcode props: set: inputtrf: { value:"{%uinput}.trf", escape:true } script: analyze: info: Getting stabilization vectors exec: "transcode -J stabilize -i {%input}" parse: { regex: '/^encoding frames [0-([0-9]+?)], ([0-9.]+?) fps/', frame:1, eta:2 } stabilize: info Stabilizing video exec: "transcode -J transform -i {%input} -o {%output}" parse: { regex: '/^encoding frames [0-([0-9]+?)], ([0-9.]+?) fps/', frame:1, eta:2 } cleanup: exec: "rm {%inputtrf}"


Each script command is named, and will be executed in order of appearance. Errors will be reported and execution will stop if the exit code is non-zero, using the names as logical pointers.

Command lines

Command line uses placeholders.

    {%input}    The input filename, escaped for the command line
    {%uinput}   Unescaped input filename
    {%output}   The output filename, escaped for command line
    {%uoutput}  Unescaped outptu filename

Any parameters will also be available:


And you can use set to assign stuff to variables.

Parsing output

To parse the output, add a parse key to the command block.

        regex:    <- expression
        frame:    <- index of frame number, or leave out
        fps:      <- index of frames per second, or leave out