# An interactive Unicode-aware shell for ReactPHP ## Installing ```shell $ composer require noccylabs/react-shell:@dev ``` ## Features * Interactive line-editing including arrow keys, home, end, delete and all the commodities you are used to. * Input is edited on a single scrolling line. * Mostly Unicode-aware, meaning it will not have a nervous breakdown if you try to enter (single-width LTR) unicode characters. ## Example ```php $shell = new NoccyLabs\React\Shell\Shell(); // Emitted whenever the prompt is fully redrawn, or redrawPrompt() is manually // invoked. This is a good place to update a live prompt. $shell->on('prompt', function () use ($shell) { $shell->setPrompt(date("H:i:s> ")); }); // Emitted whenever a line is entered. The input is already parsed into tokens // using str_getcsv, respecting double quotes and escape sequeneces. $shell->on('input', function (array $input) use ($shell) { $shell->write("You entered: ".join(" ", $input)."\n"); }); // The shell is an OutputStream, so you can write to it! Doing so will hide the // prompt, write the output, and then redraw the prompt. This means you don't // have to care whether the prompt is visible as long as your output is written // to the shell! $shell->write("Hello World!\n\n"); // So, this works: React\EventLoop\Loop::addPeriodicTimer(5, function () use ($shell) { $shell->write(date(DATE_ATOM)."\n"); }); ```