on('connection', function (WebSocketInterface $websocket) { // This just echoes text received, unless the websocket is part of a group. // In this case the message is sent to all websockets in the group. $websocket->on('text', function ($text) use ($websocket) { // Send a message with the group name starting with '#' to join a group. if (str_starts_with($text, '#')) { $websocket->setGroup(substr($text,1)); $websocket->write("joined group {$text}"); } else { // Echo back if not in group, send to group otherwise if (!$websocket->getGroup()) $websocket->write($text); else foreach ($websocket->getGroup() as $member) $member->write($text); } }); }); // Create the server with our middleware chain: // error handler -> websocket handler -> http handler $server = new HttpServer( // Error handler function (ServerRequestInterface $request, callable $next) { $promise = new Promise(function ($resolve) use ($next, $request) { $resolve($next($request)); }); return $promise->then(null, function (Exception $e) { return Response::plaintext( 'Internal error: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n" )->withStatus(Response::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); }); }, // WebSocket handler $websockets, // HTTP handler function (ServerRequestInterface $request) { return Response::plaintext("Hello world!"); } ); // Everything else is as expected! $socket = new SocketServer("tcp://"); $server->listen($socket);