
271 lines
7.6 KiB

namespace NoccyLabs\Serverctl\Container;
use RuntimeException;
class ContainerManager
private string $dataPath;
private string $stateFile;
private array $autoEnv = [];
public function __construct(?string $dataPath=null)
$this->dataPath = $dataPath ?? (getenv("HOME")."/.var/serverctl");
$this->stateFile = $this->dataPath . "/state.json";
private function setupAutoEnv()
$ifs = net_get_interfaces();
if ($ifs) {
$dockerHostIp = null;
if (array_key_exists('docker0', $ifs)) {
foreach ($ifs['docker0']['unicast'] as $uc) {
if ($uc['family'] == 2) {
$dockerHostIp = $uc['address'];
} else {
// Find a usable interface
foreach ($ifs as $if=>$conf) {
if (!array_key_exists('unicast', $conf)) continue;
foreach ($conf['unicast'] as $uc) {
if ($uc['family'] == 2) {
$dockerHostIp = $uc['address'];
$this->autoEnv['DOCKER_HOST'] = $dockerHostIp;
private function updateStateFile(string $instanceId, ?array $options)
if (!file_exists($this->stateFile)) {
$fd = fopen($this->stateFile, 'r+');
if (!flock($fd, LOCK_EX)) {
throw new \RuntimeException("flock fail");
// Read the state from the file, seek to end first to get size
fseek($fd, 0, SEEK_END);
$flen = ftell($fd);
fseek($fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
if ($flen > 0) {
$body = fread($fd, $flen);
// Parse the state
$state = (array)((@json_decode($body, true))??[]);
} else {
$state = [];
// Update node in state
if ($options === null) {
} else {
$state[$instanceId] = $options;
// Reencode the state, truncate the file and write it
$body = json_encode($state, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
fseek($fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
ftruncate($fd, 0);
fwrite($fd, $body);
// TODO: release lock
flock($fd, LOCK_UN);
* Start a service
* Instance options:
* name: Instance name (default)
* portoffset: Port number offset (0)
* @param array $service The service definition from the registry
* @param array $options Instance options
public function startService(array $service, array $options)
$args = [];
$serviceName = $service['name'];
$instanceName = $options['name']??'default';
$portOffset = intval($options['portoffset']??0);
$containerName = "sm_".$serviceName."_".$instanceName;
$args[] = 'run';
$args[] = '--rm'; // remove container after run
$args[] = '-d';
$args[] = '--name';
$args[] = $containerName;
// Map the ports
$ports = (array)($service['ports']??[]);
$mappedPorts = [];
foreach ($ports as $port) {
$portNumber = intval($port['port']) + $portOffset;
$target = array_key_exists('target',$port)?intval($port['target']):intval($port['port']);
$proto = $port['proto']??"tcp";
$args[] = '-p';
$args[] = $portNumber.":".$target."/".$proto;
$mappedPorts[$port['info']] = $portNumber."/".$proto;
// Get the paths to persist
$volumes = (array)($service['persistence']??[]);
$volumePath = $this->getServiceDataPath($service)."/".$instanceName;
foreach ($volumes as $volume) {
// volume { path, hint }
$path = $volume['path'];
$hint = $volume['hint'] ?? crc32($path);
$args[] = '-v'; // add volume
$args[] = $volumePath."/".$hint.":".$path;
// Get environment
$envs = (array)($service['environment']??[]);
$parsedEnv = [];
foreach ($envs as $env=>$value) {
$args[] = '-e';
$envval = getenv($env, true);
if ($envval) $value = $envval;
$value = $this->expandString($value);
$args[] = sprintf("%s=%s", $env, $value);
$parsedEnv[$env] = $value;
$args[] = $service['image'];
$cmdl = 'docker '.join(' ',array_map('escapeshellarg', $args));
//echo "$ {$cmdl}\n";
exec($cmdl, $out, $ret);
if ($ret != 0) {
echo join("\n",$out)."\n";
throw new RuntimeException("Docker returned non-zero exit code");
$this->updateStateFile($containerName, [
'command' => $cmdl,
'instance' => $instanceName,
'environment' => $parsedEnv,
'service' => $service,
'ports' => $mappedPorts
return [
'ports' => $mappedPorts
* Stop a service
public function stopService(array $service, string $instanceName)
$args = [];
$serviceName = $service['name'];
$containerName = "sm_".$serviceName."_".$instanceName;
$args[] = 'stop';
$args[] = $containerName;
$cmdl = 'docker '.join(' ',array_map('escapeshellarg', $args));
//echo "$ {$cmdl}\n";
exec($cmdl, $out, $ret);
if ($ret != 0) {
echo join("\n",$out)."\n";
throw new RuntimeException("Docker returned non-zero exitcode");
$this->updateStateFile($containerName, null);
public function execute(array $service, string $instanceName, array $command)
$args = [];
$serviceName = $service['name'];
$instanceName = $options['name']??'default';
$containerName = "sm_".$serviceName."_".$instanceName;
$args[] = 'exec';
$args[] = '-it';
$args[] = $containerName;
array_push($args, ...$command);
$cmdl = 'docker '.join(' ',array_map('escapeshellarg', $args));
echo "$ {$cmdl}\n";
* Get running services
public function getRunningServices(): array
if (!file_exists($this->stateFile)) {
return [];
$fd = fopen($this->stateFile, 'r+');
if (!flock($fd, LOCK_SH)) {
throw new \RuntimeException("flock fail");
// Read the state from the file, seek to end first to get size
fseek($fd, 0, SEEK_END);
$flen = ftell($fd);
fseek($fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
$ret = [];
if ($flen > 0) {
$body = fread($fd, $flen);
// Parse the state
$ret = (array)((@json_decode($body, true))??[]);
} else {
return [];
return $ret;
public function getServiceDataPath(array $service)
return $this->dataPath."/".$service['name'];
private function expandString(string $input): string
return preg_replace_callback('<\$\{(.+?)\}>i', function ($m) {
$k = $m[1];
if (array_key_exists($k, $this->autoEnv)) {
return $this->autoEnv[$k];
return getenv($k);
}, $input);