Best Practices
Noccy edited this page 2022-11-02 10:48:07 +00:00

Using data


When using Docker, it is ideal to run the import routines during the build process, or possibly in the entrypoint.

Bundling datasets

It is possible to add the .zip packages of the datasets to your repository, as long as you add the directory as an artifact repository in your composer.json:

  "repositories": [
    { "type": "artifact", "url": "dist/packages" }



As the data in most datasests is considered fresh at the time of packaging, the version numbers really should reflect when the data was prepared. We have decided on the year as minor version for our packages, leaving the major version for updates that may break schemas.

Recommended format:            
  | |  |  |__ Revision 
  | |  |_____ Month of build
  | |________ Year or build
  |__________ Data format revision