Added autoloader to plugin loader, executor improvements

This commit is contained in:
Chris 2017-02-11 23:37:35 +01:00
parent 0ca1da06e7
commit a3f8728d9d
10 changed files with 474 additions and 181 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
namespace VfxApply\Plugin\Executor;
use VfxApply\Plugin;
use VfxApply\Input;
use VfxApply\Output;
use VfxApply\Preset;
class Helper
protected $body;
protected $script;
public function __construct($body)
$this->body = $body;
public function setScript(Script $script)
$this->script = $script;
public function call(array $env)
$body = "<?php ".preg_replace_callback('/(\{\{\%([a-z]+)\}\})/', function ($m) use ($env) {
return $env[$m[2]];
}, $this->body);
$tmpname = tempnam(null, "vfxhelper");
file_put_contents($tmpname, $body);
passthru("php {$tmpname}");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
namespace VfxApply\Plugin\Executor;
use VfxApply\Plugin;
use VfxApply\Input;
use VfxApply\Output;
use VfxApply\Preset;
class Operation
protected $name;
protected $info;
protected $parser;
protected $command;
protected $helper;
protected $script;
public function __construct($name, array $data)
$_ = function($a,$k,$d=null) { return empty($a[$k])?$d:$a[$k]; };
$this->name = $name;
$this->info = $_($data,'info');
$this->command = $_($data,'exec');
$this->helper = $_($data,'call');
$this->parser = new Parser($_($data,'parse'), $_($data,'extract'));
public function getName()
return $this->name;
public function getInfo()
return $this->info;
public function setScript(Script $script)
$this->script = $script;
public function execute(array $env, $dialog)
if ($this->helper) {
$helper = $this->script->getHelper($this->helper);
if (!$this->command) {
$cmdl = $this->script->parseVariable($this->command, $env);
//printf(" cmd: %s\n", $this->command);
//printf(" eval: %s\n", $cmdl);
$this->parser->prepareExtractors($this->script, $env);
$descr = [
0 => [ 'pipe', 'r' ],
1 => [ 'pipe', 'w' ],
2 => [ 'pipe', 'w' ]
echo "Exec: ".$cmdl."\n";
$proc = proc_open($cmdl, $descr, $pipes);
$tot = (int)$env['frames']-1;
printf("\r%s [%s]", $this->info, $this->name);
$this->parser->parse($pipes, function ($status) use ($tot, $dialog) {
$curr = (int)$status['frame'];
$pc = min(100,100/$tot*$curr);
$out = sprintf("%s [%s]: %.1f%%", $this->info, $this->name, $pc);
echo "\r{$out}";

plugins/executor/Parser.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
namespace VfxApply\Plugin\Executor;
use VfxApply\Plugin;
use VfxApply\Input;
use VfxApply\Output;
use VfxApply\Preset;
class Parser
const STDOUT = 1;
const STDERR = 2;
/** @var array Resources */
protected $streams = [];
/** @var string The expression to match (preg match) */
protected $expression;
/** @var int The stream to watch */
protected $source;
/** @var array Index to name mappings */
protected $names = [];
protected $extractors = [];
public function __construct(array $parser=null, $extractors=null)
$_ = function($a,$k,$d=null) { return empty($a[$k])?$d:$a[$k]; };
$this->expression = $_($parser,'regex');
$this->source = $_($parser,'from');
foreach ((array)$parser as $k=>$v) {
if (is_numeric($v)) {
$this->names[$k] = $v;
if (is_array($extractors))
$this->extractors = $extractors;
public function prepareExtractors(Script $script, array $env)
foreach ($this->extractors as $i=>$extractor) {
if (array_key_exists('write',$extractor)) {
$write = $this->extractors[$i]['write'];
$write = $script->parseVariable($write, $env);
$this->extractors[$i]['write'] = trim($write,"'");
public function parse(array $streams, callable $callback)
$this->streams = $streams;
$match = [ 'stdout' => 1, 'stderr' => 2 ];
$source = $this->source?:'stdout';
foreach ($this->streams as $stream)
stream_set_blocking($stream, false);
while (!feof($this->streams[1])) {
$stdout = fread($this->streams[1],8192);
$stderr = fread($this->streams[2],8192);
$this->parseExtractors($stdout, $stderr);
//($stdout) && printf("OUT: <<%s>>\n", $stdout);
//($stderr) && printf("ERR: <<%s>>\n", $stderr);
if (($stdout && $this->expression) && ($source=='stdout'))
if (preg_match($this->expression, $stdout, $match))
call_user_func($callback, $this->parseNames($match));
if (($stderr && $this->expression) && ($source=='stderr'))
if (preg_match($this->expression, $stderr, $match))
call_user_func($callback, $this->parseNames($match));
protected function parseExtractors($stdout, $stderr)
foreach ($this->extractors as $extractor) {
switch ($extractor['from']) {
case 'stdout': $buf = $stdout; break;
case 'stderr': $buf = $stderr; break;
if ($buf == "") continue;
$lines = explode("\n", $buf);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if (preg_match($extractor['regex'], $line)) {
$fo = fopen($extractor['write'], "a+");
fwrite($fo, trim($line)."\n");
protected function parseNames(array $match)
$ret = [];
foreach ($this->names as $k=>$index) {
$ret[$k] = $match[$index];
return $ret;

View File

@ -64,3 +64,34 @@ To parse the output, add a `parse` key to the command block.
from: <- stream for comparison (stdout or stderr)
frame: <- index of frame number, or leave out
fps: <- index of frames per second, or leave out
### Extracting output
While you can only have a single parser, you can have multiple extractors.
An extractor matches a pattern on a line, and then writes it to the destination
# Write everything matching '[Parsed_blackframe' to a file
- { from: 'stderr', regex: '/^\[Parsed_blackframe/', write:'{%scenes}' }
## Helpers
Helpers can be defined in the preset. These are essentially embedded scripts
written in PHP that have access to the environment of the preset.
Helpers are not executed, but rather called:
info: Splitting video
call: scenesplitter
exec: "rm {%scenes}"
scenesplitter: |
* This is the PHP script

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
namespace VfxApply\Plugin\Executor;
use VfxApply\Plugin;
use VfxApply\Input;
use VfxApply\Output;
use VfxApply\Preset;
class Script
/** @var array Variables */
protected $vars = [];
protected $plugin;
public function setPlugin($plugin)
$this->plugin = $plugin;
public function set($k,$v)
$this->vars[$k] = $v;
public function addOperation(Operation $operation)
$this->operations[] = $operation;
public function addHelper($name, Helper $helper)
$this->helpers[$name] = $helper;
public function getHelper($name)
return $this->helpers[$name];
public function execute(array $env)
$env = $this->buildEnvironment($env, $this->vars);
foreach ($this->operations as $operation) {
//printf("Executing: %s\n", $operation->getInfo());
$dialog = $this->plugin->createDialog(DIALOG_PROGRESS, $operation->getInfo());
$operation->execute($env, $dialog);
private function buildEnvironment(array $env, array $vars)
$vars = array_merge($env, $vars);
foreach ($vars as $k=>$var) {
if (is_array($var)) {
$esc = empty($var['escape'])?false:$var['escape'];
$var = preg_replace_callback('/\{\%([a-z]+?)\}/i', function ($match) use (&$vars,$var) {
$k = $match[1];
if (empty($vars[$k])) return null;
return $vars[$k];
}, $var['value']);
if ($esc) $var = escapeshellarg($var);
$vars[$k] = $var;
return $vars;
public function parseVariable($value, array $env)
return preg_replace_callback('/\{\%([a-z]+?)\}/i', function ($match) use (&$env) {
$k = $match[1];
if (empty($env[$k])) return null;
return $env[$k];
}, $value);

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class ExecutorPlugin extends Plugin
$env['output'] = escapeshellarg($env['uoutput']);
$script = $this->loadScript($preset);
@ -41,187 +42,14 @@ class ExecutorPlugin extends Plugin
$op = new Operation($name, $step);
foreach ((array)$preset->get('helpers') as $name=>$helper) {
$hs = new Helper($helper);
$script->addHelper($name, $hs);
return $script;
class Script
/** @var array Variables */
protected $vars = [];
public function set($k,$v)
$this->vars[$k] = $v;
public function addOperation(Operation $operation)
$this->operations[] = $operation;
public function execute(array $env)
$env = $this->buildEnvironment($env, $this->vars);
foreach ($this->operations as $operation) {
//printf("Executing: %s\n", $operation->getInfo());
private function buildEnvironment(array $env, array $vars)
$vars = array_merge($env, $vars);
foreach ($vars as $k=>$var) {
if (is_array($var)) {
$esc = empty($var['escape'])?false:$var['escape'];
$var = preg_replace_callback('/\{\%([a-z]+?)\}/i', function ($match) use (&$vars,$var) {
$k = $match[1];
if (empty($vars[$k])) return null;
return $vars[$k];
}, $var['value']);
if ($esc) $var = escapeshellarg($var);
$vars[$k] = $var;
return $vars;
public function parseVariable($value, array $env)
return preg_replace_callback('/\{\%([a-z]+?)\}/i', function ($match) use (&$env) {
$k = $match[1];
if (empty($env[$k])) return null;
return $env[$k];
}, $value);
class Operation
protected $name;
protected $info;
protected $parser;
protected $command;
protected $script;
public function __construct($name, array $data)
$_ = function($a,$k,$d=null) { return empty($a[$k])?$d:$a[$k]; };
$this->name = $name;
$this->info = $_($data,'info');
$this->command = $_($data,'exec');
$this->parser = new Parser($_($data,'parse'));
public function getName()
return $this->name;
public function getInfo()
return $this->info;
public function setScript(Script $script)
$this->script = $script;
public function execute(array $env)
$cmdl = $this->script->parseVariable($this->command, $env);
//printf(" cmd: %s\n", $this->command);
//printf(" eval: %s\n", $cmdl);
$descr = [
0 => [ 'pipe', 'r' ],
1 => [ 'pipe', 'w' ],
2 => [ 'pipe', 'w' ]
echo "Exec: ".$cmdl."\n";
$proc = proc_open($cmdl, $descr, $pipes);
$tot = (int)$env['frames']-1;
printf("\r%s [%s]", $this->info, $this->name);
$this->parser->parse($pipes, function ($status) use ($tot) {
$curr = (int)$status['frame'];
$pc = min(100,100/$tot*$curr);
printf("\r%s [%s]: %.1f%%", $this->info, $this->name, $pc);
class Parser
const STDOUT = 1;
const STDERR = 2;
/** @var array Resources */
protected $streams = [];
/** @var string The expression to match (preg match) */
protected $expression;
/** @var int The stream to watch */
protected $source;
/** @var array Index to name mappings */
protected $names = [];
public function __construct(array $parser=null)
$_ = function($a,$k,$d=null) { return empty($a[$k])?$d:$a[$k]; };
$this->expression = $_($parser,'regex');
$this->source = $_($parser,'from');
foreach ((array)$parser as $k=>$v) {
if (is_numeric($v)) {
$this->names[$k] = $v;
public function parse(array $streams, callable $callback)
$this->streams = $streams;
$match = [ 'stdout' => 1, 'stderr' => 2 ];
$source = $this->source?:'stdout';
foreach ($this->streams as $stream)
stream_set_blocking($stream, false);
while (!feof($this->streams[1])) {
$stdout = fread($this->streams[1],8192);
$stderr = fread($this->streams[2],8192);
//($stdout) && printf("OUT: <<%s>>\n", $stdout);
//($stderr) && printf("ERR: <<%s>>\n", $stderr);
if (($stdout && $this->expression) && ($source=='stdout'))
if (preg_match($this->expression, $stdout, $match))
call_user_func($callback, $this->parseNames($match));
if (($stderr && $this->expression) && ($source=='stderr'))
if (preg_match($this->expression, $stderr, $match))
call_user_func($callback, $this->parseNames($match));
protected function parseNames(array $match)
$ret = [];
foreach ($this->names as $k=>$index) {
$ret[$k] = $match[$index];
return $ret;
return new ExecutorPlugin();

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ class TranscodePlugin extends Plugin
public function applyPreset(Preset $preset, Input $input, Output $output)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
name: Split video on black frames (ffmpeg)
group: video
plugin: executor
scenes: { value:"{%uinput}.tmp", escape:true }
info: Finding scenes
exec: "ffmpeg -i {%input} -vf blackframe=amount=90:thresh=64 -f null -"
parse: { from: 'stderr', regex: '/^frame=[\s]*([0-9]+)\s/', frame:1 }
# Write everything matching '[Parsed_blackframe' to file
- { from: 'stderr', regex: '/^\[Parsed_blackframe/', write:'{%scenes}' }
info: Splitting video
call: scenesplitter
info: Cleaning up
exec: "rm {%scenes}"
scenesplitter: |
* This is what the contents of %scenes look like:
* [Parsed_blackframe_0 @ 0x54f7960] frame:1312 pblack:100 pts:1313312 t:43.777067 type:P last_keyframe:1290
* [Parsed_blackframe_0 @ 0x54f7960] frame:1313 pblack:99 pts:1314313 t:43.810433 type:P last_keyframe:1290
* [Parsed_blackframe_0 @ 0x54f7960] frame:1314 pblack:99 pts:1315314 t:43.843800 type:P last_keyframe:1290
* [Parsed_blackframe_0 @ 0x54f7960] frame:1315 pblack:99 pts:1316315 t:43.877167 type:P last_keyframe:1290
* [Parsed_blackframe_0 @ 0x54f7960] frame:1316 pblack:99 pts:1317316 t:43.910533 type:P last_keyframe:1290
* [Parsed_blackframe_0 @ 0x54f7960] frame:1317 pblack:99 pts:1318317 t:43.943900 type:P last_keyframe:1290
* [Parsed_blackframe_0 @ 0x54f7960] frame:1318 pblack:99 pts:1319318 t:43.977267 type:P last_keyframe:1290
* Pick the split point as the last frame in a block with the highest percentage of black pixels, in this case
* it would be on the first line as it has pblack=100 for a single frame.
if (!file_exists({{%scenes}})) {
$frames = file({{%scenes}}, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
$chunks = [];
// Split into chunks of blackish frames
$chunk = [];
$last_frame = 0;
foreach ($frames as $frame) {
if (preg_match('/frame:(\d+) pblack:(\d+) pts:(\d+) t:([\d\.]+) type:(.+) last_keyframe:(\d+)$/', $frame, $info)) {
list ($void, $_frame, $_pblack, $_pts, $_t, $_type, $_last_keyframe) = $info;
if ($_frame > $last_frame+1) {
// Add the chunk if its a new block
if (count($chunk)>0) {
$chunks[] = $chunk;
$chunk = [];
// Store chunk data
$chunk[] = (object)[
'frame' => $_frame,
'pblack' => $_pblack,
'time' => $_t
$last_frame = $_frame;
// Save the last chunk
if (count($chunk)>0) {
$chunks[] = $chunk;
// Process chunks and find best split points
$last_time = 0;
$scenes = [];
foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
// Find split
$best_black = 0; $best_time = 0;
foreach ($chunk as $frame) {
if ($frame->pblack >= $best_black) {
$best_black = $frame->pblack;
$best_time = $frame->time;
$scenes[] = [ $last_time, $best_time ];
$last_time = $best_time;
// Split it up
$input = {{%input}};
$output = {{%output}};
$outdir = dirname($output);
$outext = pathinfo($output, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$outfile = basename($output, ".{$outext}");
foreach ($scenes as $_index=>$scene) {
list($_start,$_end) = $scene;
$_duration = $_end-$_start;
$cmdl = sprintf("ffmpeg -ss %s -i '%s' -t %s -codec copy '%s/%s-%d.%s' 2>/dev/null",
$outdir, $outfile, $_index+1, $outext
printf("Exec: %s\n", $cmdl);
exec($cmdl, $out, $ret);

View File

@ -39,6 +39,16 @@ class Application
private function loadPlugin($path)
$plugin = require_once $path."/plugin.php";
$plugin_class = get_class($plugin);
$plugin_ns = substr($plugin_class, 0, strrpos($plugin_class, '\\'));
spl_autoload_register(function ($cn) use ($plugin_ns, $path) {
if (strncmp($cn, $plugin_ns, strlen($plugin_ns))===0) {
$fn = $path . str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,substr($cn,strlen($plugin_ns))) . ".php";
if (file_exists($fn)) {
require_once $fn;
$this->plugins[$plugin->getName()] = $plugin;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ namespace VfxApply;
class Plugin
protected function createDialog($type, $title=null)
public function createDialog($type, $title=null)
switch ($type) {
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class Plugin
protected function createProcess($command, callable $callback)
public function createProcess($command, callable $callback)
return new Process($command, $callback);