Executor Plugin for VfxApply
Each script command is named, and will be executed in order of appearance. Errors will be reported and execution will stop if the exit code is non-zero, using the names as logical pointers.
<varname>: { value:<expr>, escape:<bool> }
info: <string>
exec: <commmand>
parse: <parse-expr>
Command lines
Command line uses placeholders.
{%input} The input filename, escaped for the command line
{%uinput} Unescaped input filename
{%output} The output filename, escaped for command line
{%uoutput} Unescaped outptu filename
Any parameters will also be available:
And you can use set
to assign stuff to variables.
Setting variables
Setting variables is done using the set
prop. The core syntax is:
myvarname: { value:"MyValue" }
Additionally, escape
can be used to flag that the value need to be
escaped for the command line.
myvarname: { value:"SomeValue", escape:true }
Variables set this way can be used for the command line, and the same expressions can be used to define vars:
tempfile: { value:"{%uinput}.tmp", escape:true }
exec "first --temp-file {%tempfile}"
Parsing output
To parse the output, add a parse
key to the command block.
regex: <- expression
from: <- stream for comparison (stdout or stderr)
frame: <- index of frame number, or leave out
fps: <- index of frames per second, or leave out
Extracting output
While you can only have a single parser, you can have multiple extractors. An extractor matches a pattern on a line, and then writes it to the destination file.
# Write everything matching '[Parsed_blackframe' to a file
- { from: 'stderr', regex: '/^\[Parsed_blackframe/', write:'{%scenes}' }
Helpers can be defined in the preset. These are essentially embedded scripts written in PHP that have access to the environment of the preset.
Helpers are not executed, but rather called:
info: Splitting video
# call the scenesplitter helper
call: scenesplitter
exec: "rm {%scenes}"
# scenesplitter helper, embedded in preset file
scenesplitter: |
* This is the PHP script