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Linux Userspace GPIO Library
* Export and Unexport GPIO pins
* Interrupt support (*)
* Hardware-neutral rewrite of NoccyLabs RaspIO
* Compatible with psr/logs LoggerInterface for logging
## Interrupts
*NOTE: Not implemented!*
For interrupts to work, you need to first bind the interrupt handler, and then
make sure to call on `Gpio#refresh()` every cycle to poll the interrupt flag on
the selected pins. This is because the `select()` function is used.
$gpio = new Gpio();
// Set the handler on the Gpio object
$gpio->setInterruptHandler($gpio[4], function() { ... });
// Or like this on the GpioPin.
->setHandler(function() { ... });
while (..) {
You can also be risky and use php ticks and timerfuncs (although that might not
be portable/supported/efficient/a good idea):
$gpio = new Gpio();
$gpiotick = new GpioTickHandler();
// The interrupts will now be polled approx every 5th php vm "tick"
## Devices
$lcd = new NoccyLabs\Gpio\Device\Display\Pcd8544Device;
// Set I/O pins
$lcd->res = $gpio[4];
$lcd->dc = $gpio[8];
// Activate the device
// Clear and draw text
$lcd->writeAt(0,0,"Hello World");
echo $lcd->getRows(); // 5
echo $lcd->getCols(); // 19
### LCD Bridge
The LCD bridge will be able to bridge any device class implementing `LcdDeviceInterface`
to stdin or a named pipe. This basically creates a user-space daemon to interface with
the display without having to fiddle with bits.
$ lcdbridge -t pcd8544 --stdin
LOC 0 0
OUT Hello World
Commands should include:
* `CLR` clears the display (`LcdDeviceInterface#clear()`)
* `LOC n m` moves the cursor to line n column m (0-indexed) (`LcdDeviceInterface#setCursorPos(n,m)`)
* `FONT n` loads the default font (0) or a custom font file (`LcdDeviceInterface#setFont()`)
* `OUT` Write text to the display (`LcdDeviceInterface#write()`)